Pedigree Chart

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Pedigree Chart of Zanglo, 2 W-P, J.L. Martin, Australia, 1973

Pinkie 9 W-WWP 
Mrs. R.O. (Sarah) Backhouse, England
Year Registered: 1910
Pinkie 1
Roselands 2 W-P 
Crawford E. Radcliff, Australia
Year Registered: 1939
Pinkie x Luther
Roselands 2
Bernardino hybrid
Mary Blewitt 2 W-Y 
David V. West, Australia
Year Registered: 1935
Bernardino hybrid
Mary Blewitt 1
Luther 2 W-YYP 
Crawford E. Radcliff, Australia
Year Registered: 1938
Mary Blewitt x Imbros
Minnie Hume 3 W-W 
William Backhouse, England
Year Registered: 1869
Albicans x N. radiiflorus
Minnie Hume 4
Imbros 2 W-W 
The Brodie of Brodie, Scotland
Year Registered: 1916
Minnie Hume x Lemon Star
Lemon Star 2 W-Y 
William F.M. Copeland, England
Year Registered: 1907
Lemon Star
Zanglo 2 W-P 
J.L. Martin, Australia
Year Registered: 1973
Roselands x Banongill seedling~
Banongill seedling