Pedigree Chart

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Pedigree Chart of Sunkist, 2 Y-O, Guy L. Wilson, Northern Ireland, 1935

(N. pseudonarcissus x N. poeticus)
Princess Mary 2 W-O 
Edward Leeds, England
Year Registered: 1877
(N. pseudonarcissus x N. poeticus) x N. poeticus
Princess Mary 1
N. poeticus
Division: 13 Species
N. poeticus
Emperor 1 Y-Y 
William Backhouse, England
Year Registered: 1869
N. bicolor x N. pseudonarcissus
Emperor 20
King Alfred 1 Y-Y 
John Kendall, England
Year Registered: 1899
Maximus x Emperor
King Alfred 30
Sir Watkin 2 Y-Y 
W. Pickstone, England
Year Registered: 1868
Sir Watkin 22
Fortune 2 Y-O 
Walter T. Ware, England
Year Registered: 1917
Sir Watkin x Blackwell
Fortune 18
Blackwell 2 Y-O 
William Backhouse, England
Year Registered: 1869
Sunkist 2 Y-O 
Guy L. Wilson, Northern Ireland
Year Registered: 1935
{[Princess Mary x (Emperor x King Alfred)] x Fortune} x Cornish Fire
Cornish Fire 2 Y-O 
Percival D. Williams, England
Year Registered: 1930
Cornish Fire