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Pedigree Chart of Sparkling Tarts, 8 Y-O, Grant Mitsch and Richard and Elise Havens, United States, 1987

Admiration 8 Y-O 
Albert Vis, the Netherlands
Year Registered: 1912
Admiration 14
Matador 8 Y-GOO 
Oregon Bulb Farms, United States
Year Registered: 1958
Admiration ? x open pollinated
Matador 12
open pollinated
Sparkling Tarts 8 Y-O 
Grant Mitsch and Richard and Elise Havens, United States
Year Registered: 1987
Matador x N. jonquilla
Sparkling Tarts 7
N. jonquilla
Division: 13 Species
N. jonquilla 3