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Pedigree Chart of Redwell Beauty, 3 Y-O, John Gibson, England, 2013

Dunkeld 2 Y-O 
The Brodie of Brodie, Scotland
Year Registered: 1934
Seraglio x Killigrew
Dunkeld 7
(Green Island x Ambergate)
Loch Naver 2 Y-ORR 
John S.B. Lea, England
Year Registered: 1963
1-58-53 [Dunkeld x (Green Island x Ambergate)] x Tanera
Loch Naver 1
Carbineer 2 Y-O 
Alexander (Alec) M. Wilson, Wales
Year Registered: 1927
(Gulliver x unknown)
Carbineer 7
Tanera 2 Y-O 
John S.B. Lea, England
Year Registered: 1959
Carbineer x Mexico
Tanera 3
Mexico 2 Y-O 
J. Lionel Richardson, Ireland
Year Registered: 1943
Alight x Rustom Pasha
Mexico 2
(Gulliver x unknown)
Carbineer 2 Y-O 
Alexander (Alec) M. Wilson, Wales
Year Registered: 1927
(Gulliver x unknown)
Carbineer 7
Ulster Bank 3 Y-R 
Brian S. Duncan, Northern Ireland
Year Registered: 1978
Carbineer x Air Marshal
Ulster Bank 2
Carbineer 2 Y-O 
Alexander (Alec) M. Wilson, Wales
Year Registered: 1927
(Gulliver x unknown)
Carbineer 7
Air Marshal 2 Y-O 
J. Lionel Richardson, Ireland
Year Registered: 1953
Carbineer x Malta
Air Marshal 3
Malta 2 Y-O 
J. Lionel Richardson, Ireland
Year Registered: 1938
Carbineer x Porthilly
Redwell Beauty 3 Y-O 
John Gibson, England
Year Registered: 2013
1-6-88 (Loch Naver x Ulster Bank) x Stanway
Redwell Beauty 1
Stanway 3 Y-ORR 
Clive Postles, England
Year Registered: 1986
seedling x Pipe Major
Stanway 14
Indian Summer 2 Y-O 
Guy L. Wilson, Northern Ireland
Year Registered: 1940
Market Merry x Clackrattle
Indian Summer 1
Kindled 2 Y-R 
Guy L. Wilson, Northern Ireland
Year Registered: 1950
Indian Summer x (Workman x Trevisky)
Kindled 2
(Workman x Trevisky)
Pipe Major 2 Y-O 
Frederick E. Board, England
Year Registered: 1965
Kindled x Craigywarren
Pipe Major 5
Dunkeld 2 Y-O 
The Brodie of Brodie, Scotland
Year Registered: 1934
Seraglio x Killigrew
Dunkeld 7
Craigywarren 2 Y-R 
W.J. (Willy) Dunlop, Northern Ireland
Year Registered: 1949
Dunkeld x Bahram
Craigywarren 3
Bahram 2 Y-O 
J. Lionel Richardson, Ireland
Year Registered: 1935
Penquite x Porthilly
Bahram 5