Pedigree Chart

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Pedigree Chart of Radiant Star, 2 WWY-GYY, Mrs. Goethe (Helen) Link, United States, 1999

Gracious 2 W-? 
L. van Leeuwen and Son, the Netherlands
Year Registered: 1931
Green Island 2 W-GWY 
J. Lionel Richardson, Ireland
Year Registered: 1938
Gracious x Seraglio
Green Island 8
Seraglio 3 Y-YYO 
The Brodie of Brodie, Scotland
Year Registered: 1926
Mozart x Gallipoli
Seraglio 5
Beige Beauty 3 Y-Y 
Grant E. Mitsch, United States
Year Registered: 1966
Green Island x Chinese White
Beige Beauty 3
Silver Plane 3 W-Y 
Arthur E. Lowe, New Zealand
Year Registered: 1927
Silver Plane 1
Chinese White 3 W-W 
Guy L. Wilson, Northern Ireland
Year Registered: 1937
Silver Plane x (Silver Coin x unknown)
Chinese White 5
(Silver Coin x unknown)
Binkie 2 Y-W 
Guy L. Wilson and W. Wolfhagen, Northern Ireland
Year Registered: 1938
Binkie 6
Limeade 2 Y-W 
Grant E. Mitsch, United States
Year Registered: 1962
Binkie x (King of the North x Content)
Limeade 3
King of the North 1 Y-Y 
The Brodie of Brodie, Scotland
Year Registered: 1909
King Alfred x Glory of Noordwijk
King of the North 1
Content 1 W-WWY 
Percival D. Williams, England
Year Registered: 1927
Lord Antrim ? x Beersheba ?
Content 7
Radiant Star 2 WWY-GYY 
Mrs. Goethe (Helen) Link, United States
Year Registered: 1999
(Beige Beauty x Limeade) x Rio Rouge
Radiant Star 2
Armada 2 Y-O 
Guy L. Wilson, Northern Ireland
Year Registered: 1938
15/7 {[Princess Mary x (Emperor x King Alfred)] x Fortune} x Cornish Fire ?
Armada 5
Cornish Fire 2 Y-O 
Percival D. Williams, England
Year Registered: 1930
Cornish Fire
Foxhunter 2 Y-O 
Guy L. Wilson, Northern Ireland
Year Registered: 1953
Armada x Saltash
Foxhunter 4
Hospodar 2 Y-O 
John Charles Williams, England
Year Registered: 1914
Firebrand x King Alfred
Hospodar 7
Saltash 2 Y-O 
Percival D. Williams, England
Year Registered: 1933
Saltash 2
Rio Rouge 2 O-R 
Ballydorn Bulb Farm, Northern Ireland
Year Registered: 1974
Foxhunter x Alight seedling~
Rio Rouge 4
Alight seedling