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Pedigree Chart of Prior's Hall, 2 W-YYO, John Gibson, England, 2014

Aviemore 2 Y-YOO 
The Brodie of Brodie, Scotland
Year Registered: 1927
Beacon x Fortune
Carnsore 3 W-GRR 
J. Lionel Richardson, Ireland
Year Registered: 1941
Aviemore x Hades
Carnsore 1
Hades 2 W-R 
Mrs. R.O. (Sarah) Backhouse, England
Year Registered: 1921
Hades 3
Roimond 2 W-O 
J. Lionel Richardson, Ireland
Year Registered: 1948
Carnsore x Arklow
Roimond 1
Red Sun 3 W-O 
Mrs. R.O. (Sarah) Backhouse, England
Year Registered: 1921
Red Sun
Arklow 2 W-R 
J. Lionel Richardson, Ireland
Year Registered: 1941
Red Sun x Forfar
Forfar 3 W-O 
The Brodie of Brodie, Scotland
Year Registered: 1930
(Beacon x Fortune) x Sunstar
Forfar 3
Purbeck 3 W-YOO 
John W. Blanchard, England
Year Registered: 1971
Roimond x Arbar
Purbeck 10
Warlock 2 W-YYO 
Percival D. Williams, England
Year Registered: 1927
Chaucer x 2W-W seedling~
Warlock 1
Monaco 2 W-O 
J. Lionel Richardson, Ireland
Year Registered: 1937
Warlock x Penquite
Monaco 2
Penquite 2 Y-O 
Percival D. Williams, England
Year Registered: 1930
Arbar 2 W-O 
J. Lionel Richardson, Ireland
Year Registered: 1948
Monaco x Forfar
Arbar 4
(Beacon x Fortune)
Forfar 3 W-O 
The Brodie of Brodie, Scotland
Year Registered: 1930
(Beacon x Fortune) x Sunstar
Forfar 3
Sunstar 3 W-O 
Mrs. R.O. (Sarah) Backhouse, England
Year Registered: 1921
Will Scarlett ? x Unknown
Sunstar 1
Prior's Hall 2 W-YYO 
John Gibson, England
Year Registered: 2014
Purbeck x Postles seedling~ 5-148-90
Prior's Hall
Postles seedling 5-148-90