Pedigree Chart

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Pedigree Chart of Princette, 3 W-GYR, Mrs. Goethe (Helen) Link, United States, 1995

Pinkie 9 W-WWP 
Mrs. R.O. (Sarah) Backhouse, England
Year Registered: 1910
Pinkie 1
Fairy Circle 3 W-WWP 
The Brodie of Brodie, Scotland
Year Registered: 1919
Pinkie x Hypatia
Fairy Circle 5
Hypatia 3 W-GYY 
John Charles Williams, England
Year Registered: 1910
Princette 3 W-GYR 
Mrs. Goethe (Helen) Link, United States
Year Registered: 1995
Fairy Circle x N. jonquilla
Princette 7
N. jonquilla
Division: 13 Species
N. jonquilla 3