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Pedigree Chart of Podrageen, 3 W-YYO, Sir Frank Harrison, Northern Ireland, 2016

Merlin 3 W-YYR 
J. Lionel Richardson, Ireland
Year Registered: 1956
Mahmoud x Mahmoud
Merlin 19
Witch Doctor 3 W-YYO 
Ballydorn Bulb Farm, Northern Ireland
Year Registered: 1983
(Merlin x unknown)
Witch Doctor 3
Witch Hunt 3 W-GOR 
Ballydorn Bulb Farm, Northern Ireland
Year Registered: 1993
Witch Doctor x open pollinated
Witch Hunt 1
open pollinated
Podrageen 3 W-YYO 
Sir Frank Harrison, Northern Ireland
Year Registered: 2016
Witch Hunt x open pollinated
open pollinated