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Pedigree Chart of Pacific Phoenix, 2 Y-YOO, John A. Hunter, New Zealand, 2010

(Gulliver x unknown)
Carbineer 2 Y-O 
Alexander (Alec) M. Wilson, Wales
Year Registered: 1927
(Gulliver x unknown)
Carbineer 7
Solar Flare 2 Y-YYO 
John A. Hunter, New Zealand
Year Registered: 1973
Solar Flare 1
Pacific Fire 2 Y-YOO 
John A. Hunter, New Zealand
Year Registered: 1999
Solar Flare x Kasia
Pacific Fire 6
Seedling 187/53
Kasia 2 Y-OOR 
William Jackson, Jr., Australia
Year Registered: 1971
Seedling 187/53 x Seedling 15/60
Kasia 4
Seedling 15/60
Pacific Phoenix 2 Y-YOO 
John A. Hunter, New Zealand
Year Registered: 2010
Pacific Fire x Culfind
Pacific Phoenix 3
Marksman 2 Y-O 
Alexander (Alec) M. Wilson and Gwendolen Evelyn, Wales
Year Registered: 1930
Hospodar x A.M. Wilson 2Y-R seedling~
Marksman 2
Swordsman 2 Y-O 
John A. Hunter, New Zealand
Year Registered: 1967
Marksman x Narvik
Narvik 2 Y-O 
J. Lionel Richardson, Ireland
Year Registered: 1940
Carbineer x Porthilly
Narvik 3
Excalibur 2 Y-O 
John A. Hunter, New Zealand
Year Registered: 1982
Swordsman x Air Marshal
Excalibur 3
Carbineer 2 Y-O 
Alexander (Alec) M. Wilson, Wales
Year Registered: 1927
(Gulliver x unknown)
Carbineer 7
Air Marshal 2 Y-O 
J. Lionel Richardson, Ireland
Year Registered: 1953
Carbineer x Malta
Air Marshal 3
Malta 2 Y-O 
J. Lionel Richardson, Ireland
Year Registered: 1938
Carbineer x Porthilly
Culfind 2 Y-YOO 
John A. Hunter, New Zealand
Year Registered: 1995
Excalibur x Kasia
Seedling 187/53
Kasia 2 Y-OOR 
William Jackson, Jr., Australia
Year Registered: 1971
Seedling 187/53 x Seedling 15/60
Kasia 4
Seedling 15/60