Pedigree Chart

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Pedigree Chart of Nabob, 2 Y-OOY, Murray Evans, United States, 1982

(Gulliver x unknown)
Carbineer 2 Y-O 
Alexander (Alec) M. Wilson, Wales
Year Registered: 1927
(Gulliver x unknown)
Carbineer 7
Narvik 2 Y-O 
J. Lionel Richardson, Ireland
Year Registered: 1940
Carbineer x Porthilly
Narvik 3
Porthilly 2 Y-O 
Percival D. Williams, England
Year Registered: 1927
Porthilly 4
Chemawa 2 Y-OOY 
Grant E. Mitsch, United States
Year Registered: 1962
Narvik x California Gold
Chemawa 2
California Gold 2 Y-O 
Barr and Sons, England
Year Registered: 1945
California Gold 1
Nabob 2 Y-OOY 
Murray Evans, United States
Year Registered: 1982
Chemawa x (Paricutin x Rustom Pasha)
Nabob 1
Rosslare 2 Y-YOO 
The Brodie of Brodie, Scotland
Year Registered: 1929
Seraglio x Fortune
Rosslare 5
Klingo 2 Y-R 
Guy L. Wilson, Northern Ireland
Year Registered: 1941
Rosslare x open pollinated
Klingo 1
open pollinated
Paricutin 2 Y-R 
Grant E. Mitsch, United States
Year Registered: 1952
Klingo x Ardour
Paricutin 5
Cheerio 2 Y-O 
The Brodie of Brodie, Scotland
Year Registered: 1932
Seraglio x Fortune
Cheerio 9
Ardour 3 Y-R 
Grant E. Mitsch, United States
Year Registered: 1952
Cheerio x Market Merry
Ardour 3
Market Merry 3 Y-O 
The Brodie of Brodie, Scotland
Year Registered: 1930
Seraglio x (Tamerlane x Fortune)
Market Merry 2
Firebrand 3 WWY-R 
Rev. G.H. Engleheart, England
Year Registered: 1897
Princess Mary x N. radiiflorus var. poetarum
Firebrand 13
Hospodar 2 Y-O 
John Charles Williams, England
Year Registered: 1914
Firebrand x King Alfred
Hospodar 7
King Alfred 1 Y-Y 
John Kendall, England
Year Registered: 1899
Maximus x Emperor
King Alfred 30
Rustom Pasha 2 Y-O 
Alexander (Alec) M. Wilson and Gwendolen Evelyn, Wales
Year Registered: 1930
Hospodar x A.M. Wilson 2Y-R seedling~
Rustom Pasha 5
A.M. Wilson 2Y-R seedling