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Pedigree Chart of Ipsley Mill, 3 W-GWW, Clive Postles, England, 2006

Seedling 40-77
Nice Day 3 W-GWW 
Clive Postles, England
Year Registered: 1987
Seedling 40-77 x Cool Crystal
Nice Day 5
Chinese White 3 W-W 
Guy L. Wilson, Northern Ireland
Year Registered: 1937
Silver Plane x (Silver Coin x unknown)
Chinese White 5
Cool Crystal 3 W-GWW 
Grant E. Mitsch, United States
Year Registered: 1966
(Chinese White x unknown)
Cool Crystal 12
Ipsley Mill 3 W-GWW 
Clive Postles, England
Year Registered: 2006
Nice Day x Seedling 3-103-80
Ipsley Mill
Seedling 3-103-80