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Pedigree Chart of Harmonize, 11a Y-P, David Jackson, Australia, 2008

Moonbird 11a Y-Y 
J. Gerritsen and Son, the Netherlands
Year Registered: 1969
seedling x Silvretta
Moonbird 4
Silvretta 1 Y-Y 
J. Gerritsen and Son, the Netherlands
Year Registered: 1961
Sprinter 11a Y-Y 
J. Gerritsen and Son, the Netherlands
Year Registered: 1980
Moonbird x seedling~
Sprinter 3
Harmonize 11a Y-P 
David Jackson, Australia
Year Registered: 2008
Sprinter x Evans Seedling ME L30-3
Harmonize 4
Evans Seedling ME L30-3