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Pedigree Chart of Ever Charlotte, 3 W-YYO, Brian S. Duncan, Northern Ireland, 2022

Shantallow 3 W-GWY 
Guy L. Wilson, Northern Ireland
Year Registered: 1956
Tryst x Chinese White
Vernal Prince 3 W-GYY 
Tom Bloomer, Northern Ireland
Year Registered: 1982
Shantallow x Woodland Prince
Vernal Prince 5
Woodland Prince 3 W-Y 
Tom Bloomer, Northern Ireland
Year Registered: 1964
Blarney x Sylvia O'Neill
Woodland Prince 2
Soft Focus 2 W-GWY 
Brian S. Duncan, Northern Ireland
Year Registered: 1999
Vernal Prince x Pure Joy
Soft Focus 11
Easter Moon 2 W-GWW 
Guy L. Wilson, Northern Ireland
Year Registered: 1954
Tryst x Greenland
Easter Moon 5
Pure Joy 2 W-Y 
Grant E. Mitsch, United States
Year Registered: 1971
Easter Moon x Aircastle
Pure Joy 2
Aircastle 3 W-Y 
Grant E. Mitsch, United States
Year Registered: 1958
Green Island x Chinese White
Aircastle 12
Emerald City 3 W-GYY 
Brian S. Duncan, Northern Ireland
Year Registered: 2009
Soft Focus x Dunely Hall or Evesham
Emerald City 3
Dunely Hall or Evesham
Ever Charlotte 3 W-YYO 
Brian S. Duncan, Northern Ireland
Year Registered: 2022
Emerald City x Jammin
Ever Charlotte 1
(Dallas seedling x Cool Crystal)
Vernal Prince 3 W-GYY 
Tom Bloomer, Northern Ireland
Year Registered: 1982
Shantallow x Woodland Prince
Vernal Prince 5
Limpopo 3 W-GYY 
Brian S. Duncan, Northern Ireland
Year Registered: 1997
[(Dallas seedling x Cool Crystal) x Vernal Prince] x D349 (Aircastle x Woodland Prince)
Limpopo 3
Aircastle 3 W-Y 
Grant E. Mitsch, United States
Year Registered: 1958
Green Island x Chinese White
Aircastle 12
Woodland Prince 3 W-Y 
Tom Bloomer, Northern Ireland
Year Registered: 1964
Blarney x Sylvia O'Neill
Woodland Prince 2
Jammin 3 W-GYY 
Brian S. Duncan, Northern Ireland
Year Registered: 2003
Limpopo x Silverwood
Jammin 8
Green Island 2 W-GWY 
J. Lionel Richardson, Ireland
Year Registered: 1938
Gracious x Seraglio
Green Island 8
Verona 3 W-W 
J. Lionel Richardson, Ireland
Year Registered: 1958
Green Island x Chinese White
Verona 7
Chinese White 3 W-W 
Guy L. Wilson, Northern Ireland
Year Registered: 1937
Silver Plane x (Silver Coin x unknown)
Chinese White 5
Silverwood 3 W-W 
Brian S. Duncan, Northern Ireland
Year Registered: 1988
Verona x Monksilver
Silverwood 5
Easter Moon 2 W-GWW 
Guy L. Wilson, Northern Ireland
Year Registered: 1954
Tryst x Greenland
Easter Moon 5
Monksilver 3 W-W 
Frederick E. Board, England
Year Registered: 1976
Easter Moon x Pigeon
Monksilver 2
Pigeon 2 W-W 
Guy L. Wilson, Northern Ireland
Year Registered: 1952
Cushlake x Evening
Pigeon 1