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Pedigree Chart of Cranleigh, 9 W-GYR, Denise E. McQuarrie, New Zealand, 2010

Rondo 9 W-GYR 
Alexander Henry Ahrens, New Zealand
Year Registered: 1958
Rondo 10
Cranleigh 9 W-GYR 
Denise E. McQuarrie, New Zealand
Year Registered: 2010
Rondo x Cantabile
Cranleigh 1
Glory of Lisse 9 W-YYR 
Johan Segers, the Netherlands
Year Registered: 1901
N. radiiflorus var. poetarum seedling
Glory of Lisse 7
Dactyl 9 W-GYR 
Rev. G.H. Engleheart, England
Year Registered: 1923
(Glory of Lisse x unknown) ?
Dactyl 7
Cantabile 9 W-GYR 
Guy L. Wilson, Northern Ireland
Year Registered: 1932
Dactyl x Raeburn
Cantabile 11
Raeburn 9 W-GYR 
Rev. G.H. Engleheart, England
Year Registered: 1913
Raeburn 2