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Pedigree Chart of Chloe May, 4 Y-W, Chris Yates, England, 2015

Binkie 2 Y-W 
Guy L. Wilson and W. Wolfhagen, Northern Ireland
Year Registered: 1938
Binkie 6
Daydream 2 Y-W 
Grant E. Mitsch, United States
Year Registered: 1960
Binkie x K43 (King of the North x Content)
Daydream 12
King of the North 1 Y-Y 
The Brodie of Brodie, Scotland
Year Registered: 1909
King Alfred x Glory of Noordwijk
King of the North 1
Content 1 W-WWY 
Percival D. Williams, England
Year Registered: 1927
Lord Antrim ? x Beersheba ?
Content 7
Doubleday 4 Y/W-W/Y 
John W. Blanchard, England
Year Registered: 1996
Daydream x Blanchard seedling~ 71/32A {Seedling 59/45C [(Green Island x Roseworthy) x Debutante] x Irani}
Doubleday 2
(Green Island x Roseworthy)
Seedling 59/45C
Debutante 2 W-P 
J. Lionel Richardson, Ireland
Year Registered: 1956
Wild Rose x Rose Caprice
Debutante 5
Blanchard seedling 71/32A
Gay Time 4 W-R 
J. Lionel Richardson, Ireland
Year Registered: 1952
Falaise x Limerick
Gay Time 5
Irani 4 W-Y 
J. Lionel Richardson, Ireland
Year Registered: 1964
Gay Time x Arbar
Irani 5
Arbar 2 W-O 
J. Lionel Richardson, Ireland
Year Registered: 1948
Monaco x Forfar
Arbar 4
Chloe May 4 Y-W 
Chris Yates, England
Year Registered: 2015
Doubleday x Flor d'Luna
Chloe May
Kingscourt 1 Y-Y 
J. Lionel Richardson, Ireland
Year Registered: 1938
Royalist x Crocus
Kingscourt 9
Camelot 2 Y-Y 
J. Lionel Richardson, Ireland
Year Registered: 1962
Kingscourt x Ceylon
Camelot 17
Ceylon 2 Y-O 
J. Lionel Richardson, Ireland
Year Registered: 1943
Marksman x Diolite
Ceylon 22
Altun Ha 2 YYW-W 
A.J.R. (John) Pearson, England
Year Registered: 1987
Camelot x Daydream
Altun Ha 26
Binkie 2 Y-W 
Guy L. Wilson and W. Wolfhagen, Northern Ireland
Year Registered: 1938
Binkie 6
Daydream 2 Y-W 
Grant E. Mitsch, United States
Year Registered: 1960
Binkie x K43 (King of the North x Content)
Daydream 12
Flor d'Luna 2 Y-W 
Clive Postles, England
Year Registered: 2004
Altun Ha x Nob Hill
Flor d'Luna 9
Binkie 2 Y-W 
Guy L. Wilson and W. Wolfhagen, Northern Ireland
Year Registered: 1938
Binkie 6
Daydream 2 Y-W 
Grant E. Mitsch, United States
Year Registered: 1960
Binkie x K43 (King of the North x Content)
Daydream 12
Nob Hill 2 YYW-Y 
Sidney DuBose, United States
Year Registered: 1990
Daydream x Sabine Hay
Nob Hill 13
Sabine Hay 3 O-R 
Dennis B. Milne, England
Year Registered: 1970
seedling x seedling~
Sabine Hay 12