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Pedigree Chart of Anticipation, 6 Y-Y, Alec Gray, England, 1975

Soleil d'Or 8 Y-O 
: Unknown, France
Year Registered: 1731
Soleil d'Or 7
Cyclataz 12 Y-O 
Alfred Wilby Tait, Portugal
Year Registered: 1922
Soleil d'Or x N. cyclamineus
Cyclataz 8
N. cyclamineus
Division: 13 Species
N. cyclamineus 25
Tête-à-Tête 12 Y-Y 
Alec Gray, England
Year Registered: 1949
Cyclataz x open pollinated
Tete-a-Tete 28
open pollinated
Anticipation 6 Y-Y 
Alec Gray, England
Year Registered: 1975
Tete-a-Tete x open pollinated
Anticipation 1
open pollinated