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Pedigree Chart of Anne Brontë, 9 W-GYO, Daniel Bellinger, United States, 2009

Dactyl 9 W-GYR 
Rev. G.H. Engleheart, England
Year Registered: 1923
(Glory of Lisse x unknown) ?
Dactyl 7
Cantabile 9 W-GYR 
Guy L. Wilson, Northern Ireland
Year Registered: 1932
Dactyl x Raeburn
Cantabile 11
Raeburn 9 W-GYR 
Rev. G.H. Engleheart, England
Year Registered: 1913
Raeburn 2
Torr Head 9 W-GYR 
Ballydorn Bulb Farm, Northern Ireland
Year Registered: 1987
(Cantabile x unknown) x open pollinated
Torr Head 4
open pollinated
Anne Brontë 9 W-GYO 
Daniel Bellinger, United States
Year Registered: 2009
Torr Head x (Proxy x N. poeticus var. hellenicus)
Anne Brontë 2
N. poeticus var. recurvus
Division: 13 Species
N. poeticus var. recurvus 6
Proxy 9 W-GYR 
Murray Evans, United States
Year Registered: 1985
N. poeticus var. recurvus x Dallas
Proxy 3
Cushendall 3 W-GWW 
Guy L. Wilson, Northern Ireland
Year Registered: 1931
Emerald Eye x Dactyl
Cushendall 3
Dallas 3 W-GWW 
The Brodie of Brodie, Scotland
Year Registered: 1942
Cushendall x Silver Salver
Dallas 21
Silver Salver 3 W-GWW 
The Brodie of Brodie, Scotland
Year Registered: 1916
Moonbeam x Kingsley ?
Silver Salver 2
N. poeticus var. hellenicus
Division: 13 Species
N. poeticus var. hellenicus 3