Rose Caprice
2 W-GPP[ Groot-kronig ]
Mid-Season to Late
Gebruikelijk 32,5 - 67,5 cm
ja, voor 1952
Zaad Ouder: 
Templemore 2 W-W 
J. Lionel Richardson, Ierland
Jaar van Registratie: 1938
White Sentinel x Forfar
Stuifmeel Ouder: 
Green Island 2 W-GWY 
J. Lionel Richardson, Ierland
Jaar van Registratie: 1938
Gracious x Seraglio
Green Island
Zowel Zaad en Stuifmeel
Gebruikt als ouder:
23 keer als zaad, 64 keer als pollen

Fl. 100 mm wide; perianth segments very broadly ovate, blunt or squarish at apex, slightly mucronate, pure white, spreading, concave either side of the midrib, with margins sometimes notched, of waxy substance, overlapping half; the inner segments a little inflexed, convex either side of the midrib, with margins wavy; corona funnel-shaped, lightly ribbed, apricot pink with green at base, paler in tone on the outside, a little frilled, with rim narrowly flanged. Crown is clear pink, paler towards base which is cool green.