3 W-W[ Klein-kronig ]
Very Late
Groter dan 67,5 cm
, Noord-Ierland, Verenigd Koninkrijk
ja, voor 1947
Zaad Ouder: 
Silver Coin 3 W-W 
Percival D. Williams, Engeland
Jaar van Registratie: 1935
x N. poeticus var. hellenicus
Silver Coin
Stuifmeel Ouder: 
Crimson Braid 3 W-YYR 
F. Herbert Chapman, Engeland
Jaar van Registratie: 1918
Will Scarlett x N. poeticus var. hellenicus
Crimson Braid
Zowel Zaad en Stuifmeel
Gebruikt als ouder:
17 keer als zaad, 5 keer als pollen

Fl. 83 mm wide, creamy white; perianth segments very broad, blunt or truncate, mucronate, a little reflexed, overlapping half; the inner segments ovate, not noticeably mucronate, spreading, with margins wavy; corona narrow cup-shaped, closely ribbed, with deep green in tube, mouth straight, tightly frilled, with rim minutely crenate. 

A description from Guy Wilson’s 1950 catalog is as follows: “Portrush – a lovely late flowering variety, bred from Silver Coin x Crimson Braid. Broad, flat pure white perianth of great substance and almost flat, white crown with deep green eye. Tall, vigorous plant with good stem, very free of bloom and increase; should make a good market flower, coming at the end of the season. Has given some very fine seedlings.”

Originele Naam

Named after the seaside resort town in County Atrim, Northern Ireland.