3 Y-Y[ Klein-kronig ]
Mid-Season to Late
Groter dan 67,5 cm
ja, 1959
Zaad Ouder: 
Green Island 2 W-GWY 
J. Lionel Richardson, Ierland
Jaar van Registratie: 1938
Gracious x Seraglio
Green Island
Stuifmeel Ouder: 
Chinese White 3 W-W 
Guy L. Wilson, Noord-Ierland
Jaar van Registratie: 1937
Silver Plane x (Silver Coin x unknown)
Chinese White
Zowel Zaad en Stuifmeel
Gebruikt als ouder:
15 keer als zaad, 4 keer als pollen

Fl. rounded, 83 mm wide, green-yellow; perianth segments very broad, rounded or squarish at apex, slightly mucronate, opening white, spreading, plane, smooth, with broad midrib showing, overlapping half or more; the inner segments narrower, not noticeably mucronate, slightly truncate, with margins recurved at base and incurled towards apex; corona small bowl-shaped, loosely ribbed, with a deeper tone of yellow at base, mouth split in places and overlapping, frilled, with rim crenate.