Tickled Pink
11a Y-YPP[ Split-Cupped Collar ]
Standard - 32.5 to 67.5 cm (12.8 to 26.6 in)
Yes, 2007
Seed Parent: 
D1798 (
Lady Ann 2 W-GPP 
Brian S. Duncan, Northern Ireland
Year Registered: 1992
Fragrant Rose x Ken's Favorite
Lady Ann
Last Chance 11a W-P 
David L. Sheppard, Canada
Year Registered: 1977
Canasta x Easter Bonnet
Last Chance
Pollen Parent: 
American Heritage 1 YYW-P 
Richard and Elise Havens, United States
Year of first flowering: 1983
Memento x Lorikeet
American Heritage
Seedling Number:
Used as parent:
1 time as seed,1 time as pollen

Fl.105 mm wide; perianth segments broadly to very broadly ovate in outline, blunt or squarish at apex, pale yellow, touched white at apex and shoulder, with white mucro, reflexed, plane or concave, smooth and of heavy substance, overlapping half; the inner segments more narrowly ovate, less strongly reflexed, with margins wavy or incurved; corona split to base, the six segments as wide as the perianth segments, closely overlying them and more than half as long, moderate to light yellowish pink, with a paler tone below, and with deep yellow at base, heavily ribbed, more or less deeply bi-lobed, frilled.

Origin of Name

Received its name for the different hues of pink on this flower and when asked to name this daffodil, gave the name of their favorite hotel in Carmel.