Vestal Virgin
1 W-W[ Trumpet Long-Cupped ]
Yes, before 1908
Seed Parent: 
Madame de Graaff 1 W-W 
de Graaff Bros., the Netherlands
Year Registered: 1887
Empress x N. albescens
Madame de Graaff
Pollen Parent: 
Weardale Perfection 1 W-Y 
William Backhouse, England
Year Registered: 1869
N. abscissus
Weardale Perfection
Both Seed and Pollen fertile
Used as parent:
1 time as seed, 6 times as pollen

Perianth segments broadly ovate, inflexed, with margins wavy, overlapping one-third; the inner segments more narrowly ovate, twisted; corona cylindrical, smoothly angled, with rim neatly rolled. Madame de Graaff coloring, i.e., creamy white.

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Vestal VirginVestal Virgin, 1 W-W, Henry Backhouse, England, 1908
Photo #43564 Albert F. Calvert, England