On Stage
9 W-R[ Poeticus ]
Standard - 32.5 to 67.5 cm (12.8 to 26.6 in)
No, introduced 2007
Seed Parent: 
Link 9W-R Seedling
Pollen Parent: 
Seraph 9 W-GYR 
Grant E. Mitsch, United States
Year Registered: 1976
Quetzal x Smyrna
Seedling Number:

A description according to the 2007 Cascade Daffodils catalog: “A tall vigorous poet of brilliant white and deep orange-red that exhibits better sun resistance than most of the type. The flowers in the illustration had been in bloom for more than a week when selected, at random, for the photograph. After being out in the weather for that time, the deep red of the corona has matured to rather more orange than red but the solid color remains intact. Like all poets in a hot, sunny, windy environment, the flowers will clearly show the effect. Selected for show, the plane perianths require little grooming. The firm petals have wonderful substance that contributes to a long vase life when cut. For many years, I thought this could be a miniature as it measured just at 50 mm and bloomed on ten inch stems. In recent seasons, it has grown larger and taller (in all respects) and become a genuine standard. Nearly lost on two occasions, it has finally increased enough to offer a few bulbs for others to enjoy.”

Believed to be extinct.