8 W-Y[ Tazetta ]
Very Early
Standard - 32.5 to 67.5 cm (12.8 to 26.6 in)
, North Island, New Zealand
Yes, 2008
Seed Parent: 
Grand Monarque 8 W-Y 
: Unknown, the Netherlands
Year Registered: 1759
N. tazetta subsp. lacticolor
Grand Monarque
Pollen Parent: 
Basra 3 Y-R 
The Brodie of Brodie, Scotland
Year Registered: 1925
Beacon x Fortune
Seedling Number:
Pedigree Chart:

2-4 fls/stem; perianth segments broadly ovate; corona bowl-shaped, lightly ribbed; sweetly scented.

Origin of Name

Part of Wilf Hall’s “Olympic Series”. In the hybridizer’s own words: “As a child I hated gymnastics, but when we started getting the Summer Olympics on TV I was blown away on what gymnasts could do -especially all those Russian and Romanian teenagers. These days we rarely ever see it: our coverage is largely geared to New Zealand involvement and we don’t excel in gymnastics. However when the Olympics were in Sydney in 2000 we got really good coverage including the gymnastics. The name Csollany came from the Hungarian gymnast Silvester Csollany who won the Gold Medal in the Rings apparatus at Sydney. I was amazed at what these athletes could do, especially the ability to hold themselves upside down with the minimum of shaking. I decided that I would call a strong tazetta Csollany and this cultivar was the right one. Its indestructible. The name is pronounced TJ LA NEY (Show-la-nee).”