American Revolution
2 Y-R[ Large-Cupped ]
Standard - 32.5 to 67.5 cm (12.8 to 26.6 in)
Yes, 2007
Seed Parent: 
Uncle Remus 1 Y-O 
William Ormston Backhouse, England
Year Registered: 1975
Uncle Remus
Pollen Parent: 
Javelin 2 Y-R 
William G. Pannill, United States
Year Registered: 1970
Paricutin x Vulcan
Seedling Number:
Used as parent:
2 times as seed, 2 times as pollen

Description according to Reed’s 2011 catalog: “intense red color in its trumpet-shaped corona.”.

Origin of Name

Named and registered by Dr. John Reed and his words about how this daffodil received its name: “Dave Sheppard and I formed a close friendship when we met at my first ADS Convention in 1977. After visiting Oakwood he offered me a Bill Pannill seedling that he felt would be of value in my breeding program. I was shocked to see the intense red color in its trumpet-shaped corona. I wondered if I could stretch that red corona to a full trumpet with breeding and I did. The color of the first seedlings were amazing including one with a copper-tone perianth and a deep red trumpet. This Pannill seedling started an American Revolution in my breeding of orange trumpets. A striking flower for garden and breeding. Named with the permission of Bill Pannill.