Meewerken uw foto's te DaffSeek

    Each DaffSeek photo is copyrighted by the original photographer and must be donated by this agreement to DaffSeek. All DaffSeek photographs are the property of the American Daffodil Society, Inc. and the original photographer and may not be reproduced in any form without the express approval of the American Daffodil Society, Inc.

    The beautiful photographs in DaffSeek are one of our brightest and most popular features. The American Daffodil Society thanks and acknowledges people throught out the world who contribute their photos to DaffSeek. Without your generosity, a vital feature of DaffSeek would not be possible.

    Suggested Comments:

    Please describe your involvement and interests in daffodils, such as showing, growing, or photographing. Give information about the photographs you are contributing, including where and when your photos were typically taken. We request that you state that you are giving DaffSeek permission to use your photos. Please tells us your country and region so that we may properly label your photos with your copyright. Also indicate how you plan to deliver your photos to us.

    (Please fill complete form, all information is required)

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